
The establishment of Postgraduate UIN RM Said, which at that time was still STAIN Surakarta, was initiated in 2001, at that time the leadership was the Chairperson of STAIN Surakarta, Dr. H. Usman Abu Bakar, MA and Assistant Chair I, Drs. H. Rohmat, M.Pd. with Team Leader Dr. H. Nashruddin Baidan. In 2007 the Head of STAIN Surakarta Prof. Dr. H. Usman Abu Bakar, MA issued a Decree (SK) Number: ST/30/K-0/OT.01.1/07/2007 on January 10, 2007 containing the Preparation Team for the Opening of the Graduate Program which was then chaired by Drs. H. Rohmat, M.Pd. The Postgraduate Program of STAIN Surakarta has carried out various strategic and development steps. In 2010 the Islamic Education Management Study Program (MPI) and Candidate Supervisors of PAI were opened.

In 2013 the Postgraduate Program of STAIN Surakarta turned into the Postgraduate Program of IAIN Surakarta. This transition is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Religion Number 84 of 2013 concerning the Organization of the Work Procedures of IAIN Surakarta. In 2015 the Postgraduate Program of IAIN Surakarta opened a new Study Program; Master's Degree in Arabic Language Education (PBA). In 2017 the Postgraduate IAIN Surakarta held a doctoral program (S3) Islamic Education Management Study Program (MPI).

Postgraduate IAIN Surakarta since 2016 has implemented the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework Curriculum (KKNI) in accordance with the mandate of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education CHAPTER II Fifth Part Article 29. KKNI is the main reference in determining the competence of graduates of academic education, vocational education, and professional education. Determination of graduate competence refers to the National Higher Education Standards which were developed by taking into account academic freedom, freedom of academic pulpits, and scientific autonomy in achieving the goals of PT. Postgraduate IAIN Surakarta is one of the PTKIN which is oriented towards strengthening character education, morality, nationality, broad knowledge, independent and highly competitive. Postgraduate IAIN Surakarta also emphasizes the implementation of entrepreneurial moral values, which are based on "living values ​​and life skills" so that program graduates can become intellectual scholars in various scientific fields according to their study program. Then PERPRES Number 42 of 2021 became a historic milestone for IAIN Surakarta, which now officially bears a new name as UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta.

Currently, the study programs available at Postgraduate UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta are:

  1.     Doctoral (S3) Islamic Education Management
  2.     Master (S2) Islamic Education Management
  3.     Master (S2) Arabic Language Education
  4.     Master (S2) Islamic Religious Education
  5.     Master (S2) Sharia Economic Law
  6.     Master (S2) Sharia Business Management
  7.     Master (S2) Tadris in English
Address : Jalan Pakis – Wonosari, Kepanjen, Delanggu, Klaten, Jawa Tengah 57471
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