Faculty of Usuluddin and Da'wah


Excellence in Islamic, social, and humanities studies that are integrated with local wisdom at the Southeast Asian level by 2034.


  1. Organizing education and teaching of Islamic, social, and humanities sciences that are integrated with local wisdom, as well as innovative, inclusive and research-based;
  2. Conducting research for the development of Islamic sciences, social and humanities, for the benefit of society and social transformation;
  3. Carry out community service in the context of service, empowerment, and the benefit of the community;
  4. Expanding the area of cooperation with various institutions, on a local, national, and international scale;
  5. Organizing quality, inclusive, humane, professional and accountable education governance and services.
Address : Jl. Pandawa, Pucangan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Phone : +62-271-781516
Fax : +62-271-782774
Email : [email protected]
Website : fud.uinsaid.ac.id
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