17 October 2021

AICIS 2021 Presents Munawir Sjadzali's Thoughts, Indonesian Vice President Makes Sure to Attend the Opening Ceremony

SINAR – The big theme raised at the 2021 Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) is Islam in a Changing Global Context (Rethinking Fiqh Reactualization and Public Policy). Rethinking the re-actualization of the concept of fiqh in the global context and the latest world developments is an important theme to be raised, considering the emergence of changes and technological dynamics that occur in society so fast. One of them, the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic also gave a new thought that fiqh (Islamic law) must run in accordance with the changes and developments of the times.

The actualization of the concept of fiqh deserves to be raised because technological developments have changed a number of aspects of human life in relation to the context of Islamic law. Likewise with the Covid-19 pandemic which requires every Muslim to be able to adapt and adjust to the existing outbreak.

For example, there is a fatwa which states that the implementation of prayers must be distanced, the omission of Friday prayers, as well as the implementation of Eid and Eid al-Adha prayers at home. This is seen as a breakthrough from the ulema's fatwas taken from Islamic law and must be contextualized with current conditions.

The readjustment of the concept of fiqh to current conditions is basically in line with Munawir Sadzali's narrative, 30 years ago. Jurisprudence or Islamic law must be contextual to the conditions of the times, as well as being able to adapt to changes that occur. Thus, it is necessary to make adjustments through Munawir Sazdali's thoughts so that they can be revealed and rethought, of course through the 20th AICIS event in 2021. (Nughy/Public Public Relations)

Source: AICIS Public Relations Team

AICIS 2021 Presents Munawir Sjadzali's Thoughts, Indonesian Vice President Makes Sure to Attend the Opening Ceremony